
Welcome to K3A

Kerala Advertising Agencies Association, also known as K3A in short, is the largest consortium of advertising agencies in Kerala. It has around 500 members consisting of major and small advertising agencies in Kerala.

The Kerala Advertising Agencies Association (K3A) is an organization of advertising agencies formed to promote their interests so that they continue to make an essential and ever-increasing contribution to the state by working towards the following objectives.


  • To develop and promote ethical standards for the guidance of its members in their relationship with each other and the general public.
  • To organize fundraising programs for the development and welfare of the Association and their business.
  • To benefit Kerala consumers and to protect their interests by helping ensure that advertising is honest and in good taste.
  • To benefit media by establishing sound business practices between advertisers and advertising agencies and each of the various media owners.
  • To benefit the nation by harnessing advertising for the good of the country, its institutions, and its citizens, to cooperate with the Government in promoting its social objectives and in the task of nation-building.
  • To question advertising that is wasteful and extravagant, to make it possible for the small entrepreneur to grow through advertising and to compete with the biggest, and to encourage market and media research to serve society by meeting its social responsibilities.
  • To encourage the interest of young individuals in the business of communication, to assist in education and training programs, and to provide information of benefit to members. Non-members are also provided this service for a fee.